After learning about life in 1620 we compared Pilgrim children to ourselves.
I've always made the paper plate Pilgrims, but I saw the writing idea on a blog (can't remember which one, sorry) so I added that in this year.
Here is a photo of our Plymouth Colony mural. This is such a fun activity. This year we did it on the day parents visited for American Education week so they got to help. The second photo is after we added the facts to the mural.
Finally a just for fun activity that I founf on turkey headbands. I should have taken a close-up shot of at least one because they turned out so darn cute!
Silly time!
I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for each and every family. You all are so supportive and kind. Thank you for coming in for the conferences. Keep up the good work, your children are a pleasure to teach each day!