Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Grinch Day and and Elf?

We were Grinchy learners today!  To set the day off to a good start we all wore green.  Of course, we read How The Grinch Stole Christmas, and after that, we brainstormed adjectives that described Mr. Grinch on a web. (I'd include the web if I knew how to upload a Word Doc.)  We watched the cartoon version of The Grinch (not the scary Jim Carey version) and we compared it to the book. We decided we like the cartoon because the Grinch was so cool looking and we could hear the singing Who's.
We went on to write about what we would do to make the Grinch grin.  More good ideas from blogland.

For math we worked on word problems all about the Grinch.  We had to divide!  Wow!
Fun day!

Oh and one more thing.......this elf appeared out of nowhere....hmmmmm.  Will he be here tomorrow? Why is he here?

1 comment:

Delighted said...

Love the Grinch! I am totally doing that next year with my kiddos. Thank you for posting pictures. Love the elf too! Cute.

First Grade Delight