Monday, September 26, 2011

First Day of Centers=Success!

Today we did our first round of centers and we were amazing.  First of all the kids could not wait to get in to centers.  They have been asking for days.  So when they heard we were starting today all eyes were on me!  Yeah, I love that!  After a long session of directions (which they sat through attentively) off they went to work independently.  I visited each one to be sure the directions were being followed.  I hardly had anyone with questions. A-MA-ZING! Here are the centers your kiddos were learning in today.

Spelling Center-
playing "teacher/ student" One person (teacher)reads the word and the other (student) writes it on the Magna Doodle thingy. Then they switch roles.

Poetry Center-
reading, sequencing and making connections to put in their poetry folders

Working With Words-
beginning sound match up

Math Center-
 counting sets higher than 10

Listen to stories on tape and respond by writing and illustrating the part they liked best.

 Watercolor painting, then writing a sentence to tell about the picture.

Word Wall-
 Play "Roll a Word" or write and stamp the words from the word wall.

Buddy Reading-
Read an on level book to self and then read it to their buddy, followed by a response in the reading journal..."This book was about..." We are working on retelling skills here.

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